Introduction to Association Publications
“Exploring Museums in Kyoto” Now on Sale
The Kyoto Museums Association and the Kyoto City Board of Education issued a revised edition of Exploring Museums in Kyoto in March, 2019. This guidebook is a complete revision from “Kyoto City Museums Guidebook: Kyoto Culture Spots,” which was published in March 1994, and marks the seventh such revised edition.
The guidebook is full color, with 245 modified A5 size pages and covering one museum per page. It includes information on Kyoto Museums Association member facilities, maps for getting to them, and photos of some of their highlights. It is on sale not only in Kyoto but in bookstores all across Japan. Check it out at your nearest bookstore!
To purchase it online please visit the “Kyoto Shimbun Planning Business (Co., Ltd.)”
“Exploring Museums in Kyoto”
RRP 1,528 yen (1,389 yen + tax)

Kyoto Museums Association News
The Kyoto Museums Association bulletin & public relations magazine is published three times per year (January, May, and August).
(On hiatus since issue No. 51, Jan 2012).